Monday, March 15, 2010

First Ear Infection & Roseola Rash

As you can see in the pictures, Addy has Roseola rash! Ugh - it finally got Addy, her first ear infection - at almost 9 months old. Poor baby has had a mystery fever since last Friday - I thought it was her teeth coming in. Then last night, she had mommy up since 2:45am, and then I knew - knew it had to be her ears. She was then tugging on them as well. I called early that next morning and got her an appointment. Sure enough when the doc looked in her ears - he said 'oh yes, it's obvious'. I'm just glad we started an antibiotic today, also ear drops - to numb the pain. Today she started her meds and already seemed a little better - miracle...she also caught up on all the sleep she missed the night before, Mommy didn't get to catch up yet - but I plan to tonight, broke Mommy & Daddy's heart to hear Addy scream and cry all night - we felt so helpless! On top of the ear infection - addy just seemed to be cranky everyday, we found that a little odd since the meds should have kicked on Tuesday she had diarrhea all day long, I thought it was from the antibiotics. I called and talked to the nurse and she explained that the anti she is on doesn't cause that and a bug is actually going around with ear infections. So ok, then on Wednesday - NO more diarrhea....but a rash started to break out on addy - around the neck and torso area. I was like UGH so she is allergic to the antibiotic. I called the nurse and NOPE - I explained everything to her and she said 'ok, she has Roseola' and then it clicked...I remember Jade and Steven both having this when baby's...........the nurse explained that is why she had the mystery fever last week, then the diarrhea on Tues and the rash Wed. That's Roseola......and it comes with ear infections and throat irritations as well, NICE! Needless to say - Adelyn is super cranky, and isn't sleeping well at all. I have researched all over the Internet and every parent explaines the same thing - their baby's are super cranky and irritable........once the rash appears they normally slowly but surely start to get better.......this is day 2 of the rash and let me tell you - I WANT MY BABY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so clingy, and only wants her MOM, she wants to just be held, doesn't eat like she normally does, for sure isn't sleeping good and just isn't happy!!!!! Even with tylenol and motrin around the clock! Roseola get out of our LIVES!!!!!!!!!! You are not welcome here!!!!

On another note - Adelyn weighs 22 pounds! My lil piggy.....

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