Wednesday, February 24, 2010

8 Months Old

You are getting so big - that's what everyone tells you, and you are! Feb. 18 you turned 8 months! And we all must say, what a great past 8 months this has been. You fill this house with such joy! Your Brother just adores you and can't wait to see you everyday after school. Your big Sis Jade thinks you are just so funny and she enjoys feeding you some of her fudge pops and sweets! She also teaches you tricks. As soon as Daddy hits the door from work, your all his! No one can touch you once Daddy is around, he hogs you haa! I am so thankful to wake up each morning and know that my day will be filled with your beautiful smile and hugs! You love eating finger snacks now - cheerios, gerber sticks and so on......your doing so good feeding yourself and NOT choking, thank you so for not ever scaring Mommy, I don't do well with choking lol!! You are also throwing yourself onto your belly a lot and trying to crawl. I'm sure you would have mastered this long ago, but you are not on the ground too much baby :-) so you just take your time, we ALL enjoy you not being able to get into everything just yet haha.

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